; A&L - News and Information

  News and Information Corner

  October 1, 2010 OHIP Schedule of Benefits program update available!

New OHIP Schedule of Benefits changes are effective as of October 1, 2010. For details on changes please visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care website for details or contact our A&L support team for information about program changes.

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  What is Windows 7 XP Mode?

One of the most exciting Windows 7 features is Windows XP Mode. It uses a brand new version of Virtual PC to provide seamless access to Windows XP applications, either through a virtual Windows XP desktop or directly through the Windows 7 desktop. Read More.

  Your Data Backup is your Insurance

Why is data backup important? Data is raw information written to a computer. Data can be letters, documents, pictures, reports, media, or patient information. Essentially everything that is on your computer is some form of data and it is normally stored in files and/or folders on your computer. At anytime, a disaster can wipe out crucial information on your computer permanently. Read More.

  End of Support Dates for Windows Vista RTM, Windows XP SP2, and Windows 2000

As announced in 2008 by Microsoft, "support for Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Windows 2000 will end on July 13, 2010. Support for Windows Vista Release to Manufacturing (RTM) will end on April 13, 2010. To help ensure your Windows Vista PCs stay secure and up to date, make sure they are running Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) or SP2. If you are running Windows XP, stay more secure by moving to Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) or migrating to Windows 7 (32-bit). If you are running Windows 2000, we recommend that you move to Windows 7  (32-bit) as no additional support or updates will be offered for the Windows 2000 operating system." Visit the End of Support Center for more details from Microsoft.

  GP Focus Assessment Codes / Evening, Weekends and Holidays New Codes

MOH&TLC Fact Sheets - February 1, 2010 - Ministry of Health fee codes, referenced in both of these fact sheets dated February 1, 2010, were already added to the October 1, 2009 Schedule of Benefits, according to the 2008 Physicians Services Agreement.  These codes include, A917A, A927A, A937A, A947A, A957A, A967A, A994A, A998A, B994A, B993A, Q994A, Q998A.

  Microsoft Windows 7

Windows 7 SupportWindows is now simpler and easier to use. It's designed for faster and more reliable performance. However, as mentioned previously, if you are thinking of making any changes, we advise you take the ensure that your software is fully compatible with Microsoft 7. However, if you have any questions about our applications and Windows 7 support, please contact our A&L Support Team first at 905-886-8066 or view our application requirements.

A&L Document Console | A&L OHIP Medical Billing Systems

  October 1, 2009 OHIP Schedule of Benefits program update available!

Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareNew OHIP Schedule of Benefits changes are effective as of October 1, 2009. For details on changes please visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care website for details or contact our A&L support team for information about program changes.

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  July 1, 2008 OHIP Schedule of Benefits program update available!

New OHIP Schedule of Benefits changes are effective as of July 1, 2008 for Optometry fees. For details on changes please visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care website for details or contact our A&L support team for information about program changes.

  Microsoft Windows Virtualization

“Green” computing and simple administration in an environmentally responsible manner

Managing resources and looking out for our environment is quickly becoming critical in today’s world. Environment-friendly initiatives have grown to an industry-recognized and budget-influencing requirement. Technologies like virtualization and server consolidation are tools for lowering power waste, getting more out of your hardware and software.The idea of “green computing” means workstations require less processing capability since it leverages the computing capability of the server.

In the past we talked about our new web-based Document Console, which can now be executed and run over a network in a browser based environment. The process in which web-based products work is on a “Client-Server” model or in the old days a similar process was used for ‘terminals’.  In short, it means that the server will do all the work, meaning the workstations (or clients) will be more a messenger between the server and the client.  Much like searching for something on Google, the user is required to input the search item, and then the browser will return the results.  In the same way the user would login to an application and the server machine would send the necessary data over for the client to run the application on their end. Over the next year you will be hearing more about Windows Virtualization and Windows Server. Continue to read our news and information articles as we examine new technologies from Microsoft and others.

Looking for information about Windows Server 2008? Click here

  April 1, 2008 OHIP Schedule of Benefits program update available!

Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareThe new OHIP Schedule of Benefits changes are effective as of April 1 2008. For details on changes please visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care website for details or contact our A&L support team for information about program changes.There are only some minor fee code changes, in the most recent update. As in the past, MOH&TLC will generally pay the higher dollar amount, if you have not had a chance to update your fee codes; regardless of what you submit. However it is important to check your remittance for any discrepancies regarding the updated April 1st fee codes. Please remember, the fee schedule update does not have provisions to increase any premiums, so changes must be made manually, if needed. If you need any assistance changing codes, please contact us directly.
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  Microsoft Vista & Hospital Network Software Applications

As a Microsoft Solutions provider, we have the privilege of testing Microsoft Vista during the beta phase. With the amount of money Microsoft has invested; it is clear that Microsoft is pushing Vista to the foreground while slipping XP in its shadow. With that in mind, it is our understanding that some hospital network software applications are still not compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, at this time. Our A&L applications are compatible with Microsoft Vista (32-bit). However, A&L Computer Software Limited does not offer expertise with any 3rd party application. As a tip to our clients, if you are thinking of making any changes, we advise you take the time to investigate and research; ensuring that your software is fully compatible with Microsoft Vista.

  Technical Corner

  Technical Corner
Windows Vista SP2

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2) is the complete set of Windows Vista updates Microsoft has issued over the past year plus additional enhancements to improve your PC experience.
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Windows XP SP3Microsoft Windows

Windows XP Service Pack 3 with Advanced Security Technologies helps you protect your PC against viruses, hackers, and worms.
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Keeping Your Computer Running Smooth

If you have a vehicle, you generally follow a maintenance schedule. Not following your maintenance schedule can result in major mechanical problems. In the same fashion, you should do the same for your computer. At least once a month, run Scandisk & Defrag. Once a week delete your Temporary Internet files. Check daily for updates for your virus scanner. Just following a routine should keep your computer in great shape.
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What are the latest virus threats on the Internet today?
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